Bob Hughes (Matt Dillon) is the leader of a “family” of drug addicts consisting of his wife, Dianne (Kelly Lynch), and another couple who feed their habit by robbing drug stores as they travel across the country. After a tragedy befalls a member of his group, Bob decides he must leave his dysfunctional clan and go straight. Parting ways with his junkie past proves more difficult than expected when Bob is stalked by an old acquaintance looking to score drugs at any price.
Bob Hughes (Matt Dillon) is the leader of a “family” of drug addicts consisting of his wife, Dianne (Kelly Lynch), and another couple who feed their habit by robbing drug stores as they travel across the country. After a tragedy befalls a member of his group, Bob decides he must leave his dysfunctional clan and go straight. Parting ways with his junkie past proves more difficult than expected when Bob is stalked by an old acquaintance looking to score drugs at any price.
"The film takes us so deeply into this shabby, transient world that we feel its texture -- both its scary thrills and its bleak, fatalistic uncertainty."
New York Times
"No previous drug-themed film has the honesty or originality of Gus Van Sant's drama Drugstore Cowboy."
"One of those cult classics well worth investigating even if you have never so much as smoked a cigarette in your life."
Empire Magazine
Film Independent Spirit Award winner
Best Cinematography; Best Screenplay; Best Male Lead - Matt Dillon; Best Supporting Male - Max Perlich
Film Independent Spirit Award nominee
Best Feature; Best Director; Best Female Lead - Kelly Lynch; Best Supporting Female - Heather Graham
Berlin International Film Festival
C.I.C.A.E. Award winner - Forum of New Cinema