After graduating from college and moving into an apartment, young Thomas Webb befriends an alcoholic neighbor who dispenses worldly wisdom alongside shots of whiskey. Webb’s world soon comes crashing down when he learns that his father is having an affair with a beautiful and seductive woman. Determined to break up the relationship, Thomas winds up sleeping with her, launching a chain of events that will change everything that he thinks he knows about his family and himself.
After graduating from college and moving into an apartment, young Thomas Webb befriends an alcoholic neighbor who dispenses worldly wisdom alongside shots of whiskey. Webb’s world soon comes crashing down when he learns that his father is having an affair with a beautiful and seductive woman. Determined to break up the relationship, Thomas winds up sleeping with her, launching a chain of events that will change everything that he thinks he knows about his family and himself.
"A smart and sexy romantic drama with intriguing twists and a terrific turn from Kate Beckinsale who shines among a great ensemble cast."
Deadline Hollywood Daily
"A wry tale that deserves to be seen."
"The boy is but a shell; it's the men and women around him who truly come to life in this chaotic, awkward, and sporadically moving film."
Village Voice
Muse Creative Awards
Gold Winner