Travelling from his home planet that is gripped by a catastrophic drought, a humanoid alien named Thomas Jerome Newton comes to Earth on a mission to take water home. Using the advanced technology at his disposal to patent several inventions on Earth, Newton acquires incredible wealth as the head of a technology-based conglomerate that he intends to use to finance the construction of a space vehicle to ship water back to his planet. But Newton soon finds his true identity at risk due to the actions of an unscrupulous business colleague.
Travelling from his home planet that is gripped by a catastrophic drought, a humanoid alien named Thomas Jerome Newton comes to Earth on a mission to take water home. Using the advanced technology at his disposal to patent several inventions on Earth, Newton acquires incredible wealth as the head of a technology-based conglomerate that he intends to use to finance the construction of a space vehicle to ship water back to his planet. But Newton soon finds his true identity at risk due to the actions of an unscrupulous business colleague.
"There are quite a few science-fiction movies scheduled to come out in the next year or so. We shall be lucky if even one or two are as absorbing and as beautiful as The Man Who Fell to Earth."
New York Times
"What must be applauded in The Man Who Fell to Earth is the visual imagination of Nicholas Roeg and his uncompromising vision."
Los Angeles Free Press
"A freaky, compelling concept album of a film."
Berlin International Film Festival