After Laura Poitras received encrypted emails from someone with information on the government’s massive covert-surveillance programs, she and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong to meet the sender, who turned out to be Edward Snowden.
After Laura Poitras received encrypted emails from someone with information on the government’s massive covert-surveillance programs, she and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong to meet the sender, who turned out to be Edward Snowden.
"It's a tense and frightening thriller that blends the brisk globe-trotting of the "Bourne" movies with the spooky, atmospheric effects of a Japanese horror film."
New York Times
"No film has ever been historic in quite the way this one is, since it tells a story in which the filmmaker and her work play a crucial part."
"Bold, unblinking filmmaking - no less than a living document of a global scandal straight from the whistleblower. Alarming and essential - anyone with a phone should see it."
Empire Magazine