Blue Valentine” tells the story of David and Cindy, a couple who have been together for several years but who are at an impasse in their relationship. While Cindy has blossomed into a woman with opportunities and options, David is still the same person he was when they met, and he is unable to accept either Cindy’s growth or his lack of it.
Blue Valentine” tells the story of David and Cindy, a couple who have been together for several years but who are at an impasse in their relationship. While Cindy has blossomed into a woman with opportunities and options, David is still the same person he was when they met, and he is unable to accept either Cindy’s growth or his lack of it.
"Derek Cianfrance, the film's writer and director, observes with great exactitude the birth and decay of a relationship. This film is alive in its details."
Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
"Blue Valentine has a rare emotional intensity. There is no way to prepare for its final frames, inevitable as they are."
"Almost unbearably harrowing but also deeply cathartic, as viewers create their own meanings within Dean and Cindy's singular downward spiral."
Washington Post
Academy Award nominee
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role - Michelle Williams
Golden Globe nominee
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture (Drama) - Ryan Gosling & Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture (Drama) - Michelle Williams
Cannes Film Festival
Un Certain Regard