In this romantic drama a group of high school buddies reunite for their high school reunion in the small town where they grew up. They deal with the life challenges of finding women to love and be loved by, committing to a relationship, and getting past their childhood dreams and desires to deal with reality and appreciate life.
In this romantic drama a group of high school buddies reunite for their high school reunion in the small town where they grew up. They deal with the life challenges of finding women to love and be loved by, committing to a relationship, and getting past their childhood dreams and desires to deal with reality and appreciate life.
"Beautiful Girls is always in touch with reality but never drowned in it."
Time Magazine
"This film really succeeds with its warm treatment of ordinary hang-ups -- no life-shattering revelations or pain repressed since childhood, just the genuine, everyday trials of life."
Empire Magazine
"Portman, a budding knockout, is scene-stealingly good even in an overly showy role."
New York Times
San Sebastián International Film Festival
CEC Award for Best Screenplay Winner